So I am trying to be super reasonable with what I pack. I have spent a lot of time sorting out clothes that I can live without for the year or clothes that aren't really appropriate for Israel. Even with all that I am having tons of trouble fitting everything I want to take. I spent today packing my clothes and then unpacking, trying to narrow down what I'm taking and pack again. So far it looks like everything is gonna fit (fingers crossed), but I have a feeling I am going over the weight limit. Airlines should really make special allowances for people who are going somewhere for a year, come on people!
I am also having shoes issues. As you know I am really into wearing crazy sneakers and I am leaving a few pairs at home, and even with that I am still having trouble fitting the shoes I want to take...grrrr. I blame the sorority/NYC for making me this way haha, because at school there were always occasions to dress up for whether it be going out on the town, mixers, formals or formal chapter...gahhhh. Well I guess I should feel lucky that I'm having this problem and it's not the other way around. Ok I'm gonna stop ranting now.
So my flight to Israel is super round about, it is going to take me 26 hours to get there. BUT the plus side is that I have an 11 hour layover in Paris which means I get to explore. I've been to France before, but not Paris (weird right?). I have been looking up stuff to do there, and my high school french is coming in handy for the first time in a while. (Actually the last time I had to use my French was the last time I was in Israel Soph year of college and I got into a cab with my friend and the driver had just made aliyah and didn't really speak hebrew, but he did speak french. It was really confusing being in Israel and speaking French, I don't think the guy understood me at all haha).
Israel is getting more and more real. I can't believe I am leaving so soon and for a year. I am having trouble wrapping my mind around it. I'm excited to go and have this experience, to see my friends there and make new ones, and get to know Israel in a deeper way. I'm excited for classes, hopefully I will find myself a good chevruta (shout out to my awesome past chevrutot). I've been looking at pics from some other HUC students who are already there and they look like they are having fun so it is making me more pumped to get there. Ahhhhhhhhh...
Ok back to packing... (can you tell I love elipses)
I blame myself for your shoe problem.